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九言 | 今天是很好的一天,适合任何心愿。|平凡|不群

发布日期:2025-01-04 15:53    点击次数:86
当你看过世界,见过众生,才发现你要见的世面,是自己内心的勇敢和自信。When you see the world and all living beings, you realize that the world you want to see is your own inner courage and confidence.感情一定要落实到穿衣吃饭、睡觉数钱这些平凡又世俗的小事上。Emotions must be implemented in ordinary and mundane matters such as dressing, eating, sleeping, and counting money.最艰难的时候,别老想着太远的将来,只要鼓励自己过好今天就好。这世间有太多的猝不及防,有些东西,根本不配占有你的情绪。In the most difficult times, don't always think too far into the future, just encourage yourself to live today well. There are too many unexpected things in this world, and some things are not worthy of possessing your emotions.任何关系,我们都要敢于用愤怒守住自己的边界。We must dare to use anger to defend our boundaries in any relationship.今天是很好的一天,适合任何心愿。Today is a great day, suitable for any wish.大智不群,大善无帮,何惧孤步,何惧毁谤。Great wisdom is unsociable, great kindness is unhelpful, why fear solitary steps, why fear slander.今日的事情,尽心、尽意、尽力去做了,无论成绩如何,都应该高高兴兴地上床恬睡。Today's tasks were done with all my heart, mind, and effort. Regardless of the results, I should go to bed happily and sleep peacefully.人生没有低谷,只有蓄势待发。There are no lows in life, only being prepared to take off.要想成功,必须具备的条件就是,用你的欲望提升自己的热忱,用你的毅力磨平高山,同时还要相信自己一定会成功。To succeed, the necessary conditions are to use your desires to enhance your enthusiasm, to use your perseverance to smooth the mountains, and to believe that you will definitely succeed.

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